Friday, March 16, 2012

Lip Service

Lip Service

Luke "But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner”

Ok, so yesterday I shared what the Lord showed me about the still waters which bring refreshment and reflection right???  This morning I woke up and as I began to talk to the Lord He led me right to the still water and said “Take a very close look at the water; what do you see yourself doing”?  That’s when the Holy Spirit showed me something that was very hard to see.  My prayer this morning like so many other mornings was lip service to the Father.  I was telling Him what I thought He wanted to hear.  It sounded good, it was the right words but the problem is He saw the heart behind the words.  “Lip service” prayers come from a prideful heart and there is no action behind them therefore they go no where.  I tell the Lord I want to honor Him with my life; my whole being.  I tell Him I do not want to worship or give Lordship to anything but Him.  I tell the Lord I want to make necessary changes in this area or that one.  I ask Him for His help, for power to overcome, to break free, to move forward, and to be changed but that’s usually where it ends.  I tell, I ask, I even hear Him but what am I doing with what I’m shown?

It hits me the most when I am flipping through a notebook or journal and find things I may have written months or even years back.  I read it and realize I could have written it that day.  “Why am I still there” I ask myself.  “Why am I still in this place, fighting this same battle, dealing with this same “whatever it may be”?   I know the answer, God shows me the answer and it’s back to “lip service praying followed by lip service living”.  Victorious praying and victorious living requires something of me; not just of the Lord.  It requires me to take what He reveals and do something with it.  He will not do for me what I can do for myself.  He gives me the strength, the ability and the directions but He will not pick my feet up and make me walk in that knowledge. 

The Bible gives us a clear picture of behaviors and characteristics “fruit” that are available through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Available does not always mean active.  My husband has a grill that has a full tank of propane but it’s of no value and there is no heat until the knob is turned to release the propane and it’s ignited. I recently heard someone say, “You already have all of the Holy Spirit you will ever need but the question is, how much of you does He have”?  Lip service does nothing to ignite the power of the Holy Spirit, but sincere prayer backed by action turns that valve and releases the power and ignites the flame which produces change, freedom, victory and death to old, unhealthy habits….the fruit of the Spirit.

Forgive me for simply praying "right words" while forgetting you see my heart.  Forgive me for praying like the Pharisee, thinking I had really done something that would please you.  Thank you for loving me enough to discipline me and show me the error and pride of my prayers and my walk. 

Going forward, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer".   Psalm

In Jesus Name,

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Still Waters

Still Waters

Psalm 23:2 The Lord makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.

“Home sweet home” was our theme for Wednesday as we ended a 3 day stay in San Antonio TX during Spring Break.  What were we thinking…LOL???  All in all it was a wonderful first “Bobby L Gaddis Family Vacation” and Gramps and I were thrilled and honored that we were invited to tag along.  We have vivid images burned into our memories for years to come and just in case the aging process diminishes some of them, we also have pictures.  We learned allot on this first vacation.  Some things we need to do differently but others were just right.  As I was thinking back on the wonderful experience one thing stood out this morning and it describes Psalm 23:2 in a way that makes the passage even more alive to me.  We were a troop of 6 adults with 7 children; 2 toddlers, 2 very animated 3 year olds, a very curious 6 year old and 2 preteen girls plus ALL the other tourists…did I mention Spring Break???  We experienced every emotion you can imagine plus some…ha, ha.

Tuesday was our day to tour the River Walk.  It was a beautiful day but a little warm partly due to miles of concrete, crowds of people and trying to make sure none of our little ones wandered off.  After allot of walking plus going up and down a few pesky stairs, we finally got on the river boat that gave us a tour of the area.  I didn’t think of it at the time but this morning the Lord reminded me of how life can be totally chaotic, crowded and confusing.  In the midst of it all, He knows that we need some green pastures and still waters so He gives us His Holy Spirit and He leads us beside the still waters.  We were on a boat in the middle of the San Antonio River Walk lined with people hurrying to and fro and there were still waters. Still waters accompanied by cool, calming breezes and beautiful snapshots of God’s handy work.  The flowers were brilliant in color and shaped as only a Heavenly artist could have designed them.  Trees and greenery that were all unique and beautiful in their own right lined the paths.  The birds sang and ducks swam as if they hadn’t a care in the world and they too portrayed the majesty of our magnificent Creator.  In that brief time it seemed as if we had been carried far from the hustle and bustle into a place of serenity.   It brought comfort and rest for our tired feet and wearying bodies.   We had not been taken out of the ciaos; but there in the very middle of it all were those “still waters”. 

Our Father who is also our Shepherd knows there are times in this life which mandate green pastures and still waters.  Our souls become weary and weakened by the pull of the world, the pressures of daily demands that weigh on us and the challenges that we face whether by divine design or consequences of choice.  We need to take time to lie down; we need to take time to stroll along side still waters for rest and reflection.  Reflection, when done with the right motive, brings valuable insight into what we are doing that is pleasing to the Lord and what might need our attention.  I so identify with the writer of this Psalm when he says, “He Makes me and He Leads me” because most often, I would not do it on my own.  In this fast passed, “rat race” that we have created, some how spending time by the green pastures and still waters is rarely in “MY” schedule.  How thankful I am for a Shepherd that’s looking out for me even if He has to put things in my path that force me to those “Still Waters”. 


Oh how I thank you for those times when in the midst of the ciaos you lead me to the still waters.  Thank you for the calming effect those precious waters have on my weary soul.  I praise you for knowing what I need and then providing it.  You are my source, my provision and my sustainer.  Give me the desire and the wisdom not to neglect the times of refreshing and reflection. 

In Jesus Name,

Saturday, March 3, 2012

"She has reached the age of appreciation" 

“You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God: I am the Lord.  Leviticus 19:32

While looking out my window today I watched a little lady take a stroll down her driveway and it took me back to precious memories of my own granny.   This little lady is what some might call “up in age”.  She drives a little slower, walks a little slower and she speaks with elegance & grace and yes, that too is a little slower.  She’s never in such a hurry that she doesn’t have time to smile and wave or greet with a word of encouragement from across the way.  She’s got silver and gray strands running through her thinning hair and there are quite a few “life lines” etched in her face.  Her hands have brown age spots but that never keeps her from offering a soft pat on the shoulder or a little pat on the top of my grandchild’s head.  Some times she will stop and look around and you might even catch her closing her eyes, taking a deep breath then smiling as she imagines the wind blowing her a kiss, or the sweet aroma from the flowers God planted just for her.  She listens as the birds serenade a special melody and she cuddles into the warmth of the sun’s rays that enfold her as she gently slides her bare feet across the soft cool blades of grass.  She laughs as she hears the children playing and offers to help each time she sees one of the neighbors doing a chore.  She brings homemade goodies over for the holidays and apologizes for them being a little late or a little over done.  She has plenty of time to listen to anyone but finds that conversation is rare with the “younger folk” who are all too busy to give her a moment.  She has a wealth of knowledge that has been learned from years of trial and error but the “younger folk” don’t think it’s relevant for them today.  She knows how to take flour, baking soda, salt and a sprinkle of this and a dash of that and make the best bread you’ve ever tasted. Sadly the “younger folk” don’t have time to get their hands dirty kneading dough; they are too busy working to earn it so they can go spend it; usually on themselves.  She is entertained by God’s creation, moved by the simple things in life and she lives each day with purpose.  She has reached the age of appreciation and she knows how precious life is and how fast it passes by.  She has seen many changes in her life and lost many loved ones along the way.  She seems to be able to put things in perspective.  Her little bones and joints are bent out of shape but she’s learned not to let the rest of her get bent out of shape over things that do not matter in the big picture.  She realizes things can be replaced but loved ones can not and the value of family and friendship will out last any 401K.  She chooses what she says a little more carefully than most because she’s learned carelessly spoken words have devastated lives, broken many a heart and even caused world wars.  She could teach us all a thing or two but sadly, we see her as a person of lesser value, a burden or just another “little old lady” that needs to get off the road because she’s slowing us down.  I think we are missing one of God’s greatest gifts.  I think we need to see her as a precious heirloom that should be treasured.  I think we should make a point to sit with her, learn from her and give back to her what she deserves; our love, respect and most of all…..our time.

There are “up in age” folks everywhere, perhaps you have a family member or a neighbor. I challenge us all to find someone that our family can “adopt” and share time with.  No banking system or stock market venture could ever compare to the measure of return you will receive for your investment.

Life was never intended to be lived for “us four and no more”.  Share your heart and your lives with others and you will be blessed.  When the Son of God was demonstrating His greatest act of love it was on a cross with His arms wide open.  Open your arms to someone today and let them know that you love them because He first loved you.