Wednesday, January 25, 2012

God Plus Nothing

God Plus Nothing

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

The other day I made a batch of baked apples.  Man, they smelled up the entire house with the scent of cinnamon.  I could hardly wait for the timer to go off.  This is one of the dishes I’ve learned to use when I have a sweet tooth.  I sprinkle stevia and cinnamon over sliced apples, add a cup or two of water, cover with foil and bake at 375 for about 45 minutes.

The time had come to take them out of the oven and after letting them cool for a few moments I fixed my bowl and began the wonderful experience of enjoying something so sweet and good for me.  About half way through the thought came to me, “Why not add some cool whip”?  I happened to have some of the extra creamy in the refrigerator and 2 tablespoons is just 25 calories.  So, there I went, off to add something to what was already good and good for me.  I scooped the cool whip on the apples and gave it a little stir.  Licking the spoon was a real treat too as I did not want to waste any of it.  I took my first bite and I realized the cool whip did not really add to the apples but it actually took away from them.  The delicious natural sweetness of the apples was enough but when I added the man made additive I realized the huge difference.  I could taste the “chemical” taste of the cool whip which made the apples seem less sweet.

I was standing there in the kitchen when the Holy Spirit began a training session.  He reminded me of how often I try to add to what the Lord has done in order to make it “taste better.”  I don’t always like what the Lord tells me and I rebel trying so hard to make it something that it was not intended to be.  I try to enhance it to make it fit my way instead of taking it for what it is; good for me.  His ways are not my ways and I need to learn to trust Him with what He brings.  I must understand that when I try to add anything this world has to offer to what God offers I will dilute His goodness and find myself in a world of compromise.  God is good and His ways are good.  The world has nothing to compare to the richness we have in Christ Jesus.  It is absolutely God plus nothing if I am to be a true follower of the Messiah.  If there is an area in my life that I am lacking I need to go directly to the source from where my help comes from.  Jesus wants us to be totally dependant on Him and He wants to be our source.   Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from the Lord.  Let’s stop trying to add to it and simply soak in His glorious riches.  There is nothing the world can bring to the table that would make what He has already done better.

Thank you that you are good and every good and perfect gift comes from you.  Forgive the times in my life where I try to add worldliness to fill a longing or emptiness.  Help me remember You are the source of everything I need and the world only offers imitation “sweetness” that distorts and diminishes your goodness.  Help me realize you are all that I need.
In Jesus Name…Amen


  1. It's easy to had stuff... Everywhere you turn there is something enticing to grab onto. Reminds me of what you said about Eve already having everything good, but wanting to know what she was missing out on... ARGHHH

  2. Oh yeah.... LOVE THE PATCHWORK... It's so you!!!
